Body Zorbing

Body Zorbing

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Venue Details

  • 1 Hour

More Information

At Live for Today, what you may know as Bubble Football takes on a whole new level of excitement with our Body Zorbing experience. This activity remains a favorite at our Harrogate activity center, set in the beautiful grounds of the Ripley Castle Estate. The games extend beyond just football, offering a diverse and entertaining range.

Regardless of your size, shape, height, or weight, Body Zorbing provides a level playing field for all participants – literally. How? Everyone suits up in a giant inflatable zorb, leaving only your legs free for movement!

Run, move, and bump into things with the assurance of safety inside your zorb. While your head and face are covered, you can see and breathe normally. If you fall or get knocked over, you'll bounce right back up. Our Body Zorbing games are not only seriously fun but also suitable for all fitness levels.

Our fully qualified instructors will be with you throughout the activity, ensuring you get the most out of your experience. They'll guide your group through a variety of old-school playground favorites with a twist – ever tried Body Zorbing British Bulldog? It's an experience that adds a whole new layer of fun to classic games!